You should know…

There is a $10 non-refundable application fee for each child.

Please Do Not Send Your Child To Daycare If:

  • Your child has a fever of 100 degrees or more

  • Has lice, runny nose, scabies, cough, or chickenpox

  • Has diarrhea, strep throat, unknown rash, impetigo, or discharge from the eyes

  • Has been on antibiotics for less than 24 hours.

Please keep them home when they are sick, we look forward to seeing them when they are feeling better.


Children must be dressed in washable play clothes. An extra complete change of seasonal clothing is required at all times. These items should be clearly marked with their name and placed in a ziploc bag.

What’s Needed:

  • A child-sized blanket or beach towel for nap time. These items will be left with the provider to be washed weekly.

  • One soft toy for cuddling.

  • Supply of diapers, wipes, formula, and baby food.

Parents will be provided applicable notice of any supplies that may be low. If required items are not supplied extras are available at which time parents will receive a second notice. Use of items from other children will not be considered. It is the full responsibility of the parent to make sure supplies are kept at the required level of usage.

If you have any questions feel free to call at any time.

Let the Fun Begin…